Phishing & Fraud

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Scam Alert!

Dont fall for phishing attempts
Pupp Buddy customer care will never request sensitive bank information from you - such incidents are scams and should be reported immediately.

Please do not share your debit/ credit card number, CVV number, OTP, UPI/ ATM pin and so on with anyone claiming to be a Pupp Buddy representative.

Pupp Buddy does not have any customer care number or helpline. Pupp Buddy or i ts authorised representatives will NEVER ask you to share financial details. If you’ ve encountered such an incident, please know that i t is fraud, and you must report i t immediately to stay safe from a phishing attempt.

For assistance on a Pupp Buddy order, click on the ‘Help’ section on the Pupp Buddy app - there is no other help channel available.

Watch out for:

  • Portals outside of Pupp Buddy publicising fake toll -free customer care numbers.
  • Fake websites, blogs, or suspicious posts on social media sites.
  • Suspicious links sent to you via Whats App, SMS or email.
  • Proactive calls from unauthorised numbers requesting for personal/ financial information.
  • Scamsters claiming you have a refun d amount pending, in an attempt to get you to disclose sensitive information.